Your business: destiny or free will?

Posted: 23 februarie 2019 by admin

The mentality of the business man greatly resembles that of a Poker player.

Either play or do business for several reasons such as: the love of the game, the desire to feel the same feelings the adrenaline gives, for the sake of the gain, for fear of being poor, the desire to be accepted by society, the desire to dominate, the desire to be your own boss.

Of course, there is also the choice where he came to believe very much in an idea and he wants to put it into practice.

What the people in this game don’t know is the psychological aspects of the problem. This can divide them into two categories: a category dominated by the emotional intelligence and the other dominated or controlled by adrenaline.

Those dominated by adrenaline in the Poker game but also in business are the ones who forget the purpose for which they are playing letting themselves controlled by what they feel in a certain moment. Thus they make decisions on the spur of the moment not the whole situation and may damage the situation easily.

They cannot evaluate the problem as a whole because they are impulsive and dominated by feelings not facts.

They can build empires easily but they can lose a lot easily as well.

In fact they are those who identify themselves with the business, who think they know everything about it and no one knows better than them. Thus business becomes a cloak or a shell under which they brag or hide.

Categorically from the psychological point of view we can say that these are the people emotionally immature, narcissists, megalomaniacs or very traumatized by certain events that have sparked all kinds of fears in them.

Those dominated by emotional intelligence are characterized by an emotional maturity that enables them to make decisions assessing the situation at 360 degrees.

These are those who think first and then speak or those when they don’t know something they take their time to seek advice and then respond.

These are also those who can grow a business to sell it when mature; as they grow their business for the pleasure of the game not for their personal gain.

Their Emotional Intelligence helps them understand some primordial issues in a business:

  • Which are their personal limits regarding time, professional experience, emotional intelligence and social experience.
  • Which are their financial limits that can allow them to continue the game?
  • What are their personal flaws and how they can compensate them by hiring counselors?
  • When business has reached maturity and has to be sold: because he can no longer afford to grow it due to financial or time reasons. Or because the benefits obtained from the sale are at the maximum and it is time for him to start something new.
  • When he easily notice that he can grow the business and find resources for it which allows him to grow without limiting himself only to the start-up area

For this reason, you should notice the difference in time between the two categories so you can know your limits. Only in this way you can decide to work with a coach to overcome them or to withdraw before it is too late, from a professional or personal perspective.

Autor: Psiholog Constantin Cornea